Monday 13 July 2015

Evaluation of 3 dfferent music videos (part 3; Archive's ''Bullets'')

Archive - Bullets
The video is a narrative piece about someone who has - metaphorically - had their mind broken, possibly by some past event.

There are 3 locations required for this video; the first is besides a traintrack, the second is the inside of a train, and the third is a forest.

There are 2 outfits required for the main character; the first is a neat version and the second is a messier version for the second character (who is, presumably, superimposed in the edit). There is also an outfit required for the third character - the man from the bag - which consists entirely of a single pair of jeans.

There are a few issues I can find with filming this; firstly is the fact that there is a need for practical effects to make it seem like a man is coming out of a bag - which requires different and sometimes difficult camerawork. Secondly there is the issue of filming on a moving vehicle; even though trains are notoriously smooth, there are still some bumps and discrepencies in motion that can sometimes make it difficult to film.

The main logistical issue I can find with filming is actually finding a train that is A) running as late as it apaprently is in the video, and B) finding a carriage that is completely empty for these shots to take place. it is either a question of chance or arranging it with the operators of a trainline which - in either event - is difficult and time consuming.

The primary concerns of post-production would probably be the issue of superimpposing the characters onto the same shot; as is the case with filming on the train, it would be difficult to transfer them to the same shot if the camera has been moved. That being said, an easy fix would be to simply have a 'stunt-double' for the shots where they occupy the same space, as there is never a shared shot where both of their faces are showing.

This video is fairly atypical when it comes to music videos; there are no band members present throughout the entire video, and the music irregularly follows the music's beats.