Tuesday 1 March 2016

Finalised location choices

We have decided, as a group, on our final location in which to shoot our music video.
We chose Sculthorpe air base as our final location due to it's potential and derelict status which fits with the aesthetic we are hoping to achieve.

Attached (here) is some background information on Sculthorpe and it's history as an airbase. The airfield itself became inactive at the end of the cold war and demolition began in 2009 on parts of the hangers and surrounding buildings. Intact still is the administration areas, where we would like to film our music video.

In the above picture the administration building is the one to the south which is where we plan to film.
The building inside is abandoned with broken ceilings and windows which will allow us to use natural diegetic lighting.

A problem which we could encounter filming in Sculthorpe air base is the fact it is a derelict building and could pose some safety concerns with rotting walls and ceilings and we would have to check, before filming, that the building was structurally sound, which as it was meant we could film our music video there.

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Panel 4

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